Sound Healing

Sound Healing is an ancient sonic technique where the vibrations from sound, help clear, activate and ground the energies in the body, mind and spirit. During a Sound Healing session, I will use my Crystal Singing Bowls and Voice (called toning) to further your journey of relaxation, release and empowerment. I may ask you to join me in using your Voice to deepen your healing experience.  

I work with the High Vibrations of these Crystal Singing Bowls:

  • Smoky Quartz Alchemy Bowl – “promotes positive mental and spiritual thinking and the art of staying grounded and balanced. This bowl works the solar plexus, sacral and root chakras for creativity and planting one’s roots in the rich soil of the Earth. Serene Smokey Quartz energies encourage centeredness, joy, cooperation and clarity.”
  • Carnelian Alchemy Bowl – “works to activate the first, second and third chakras, bringing an influx of life force, sexual and creative energies and assertive will for those intending to build confidence, courage, and passion within themselves.”
  • ”The Dolphin Essence Ocean Gold Bowl combines a Neptunian pearl-like waveform with bubbly, playful dolphin pod energies that encourage loving communication. This bowl can enhance the immune system and activate the thymus gland. The “We Are One” throat chakra knowing promotes shared leadership and teamwork. Yang frequencies of gold and water elementals create love, balance, self-realization and attunement with nature’s healing forces."


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